Service Providers

Congratulations, you’ve built an AI-related solution. For most high-tech companies, the hardest part is not creating an innovative solution but becoming visible and knowing how to target the right end-users at the right time. That’s where we come in, we’re here to provide a platform for you to connect to end-users who are looking for your AI-solution!

Are you a business service provider looking to connect with new customers?

Using our service will allow you to directly tap into a pool of registered end-users and decisionmakers in need for a wide range of different AI-based products or solutions.

Get instant access to our end-users clients network.

To access our network of end-users, simply contact us :). After being admitted to our community of service providers it allows you to present your company and offered solutions towards end-users. For them to be able  to reach out to you directly and requesting you to join their RFP’s.